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Cystine, L-[1, 2, 1', 2'-14C]-, 10 µCi (370kBq)

L-cystine, labeled with C-14 on C1, C2, C1', C2'. 14C-L-cystine is commonly used in cystine transport, cystine binding, and pencillin biosynthesis studies.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Product Variants
Part number: NEC854010UC
Unit Size: 10 µCi
List price: USD 1,956.00
Your price:
USD 1,956.00
USD 1,956.00 /each
Part number: NEC854050UC
Unit Size: 50 µCi
List price: USD 9,452.00
Your price:
USD 0.00
USD 9,452.00 /each


Cystine is an oxidized dimeric form of the amino acid cysteine. It functions as an antioxidant, aids in protein synthesis and serves as a link allowing proteins to maintain their 3-D structure. Furthermore, cystine is a substrate for the cystine-glutamate transport system.

Labeled cystine is routinely used in transport and uptake studies. Available in 10 µCi (370kBq) quantity.


0.02 mCi/mL
NEN Radiochemicals
Detection Method
Shipping Conditions
Shipped in Blue Ice
Special Ordering Information
This is a radioactive product - shipping address must have a license to receive radioactive materials.
Unit Size
10 µCi


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