Revvity offers a wide range of liquid scintillation cocktails to suit your specific laboratory needs. Our LSC scintillation cocktails are convenient, easy-to-use, and save preparation time. Carefully controlled scintillant blending and quality assurance procedures provide the highest performance, batch homogeneity, and lot-to-lot uniformity for accurate liquid scintillation counting every time.
Types of LSC cocktails and related products include:
- ‘Safer’ line of scintillation cocktails: based on less toxic solvents for safe handling
- OptiScint™ family: Nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE)-free, high flash point, low vapor pressure, high counting efficiency, and quench resistant
- Ultima Gold™ family: high flash point, low vapor pressure, high counting efficiency, and quench resistant
- OptiPhase HiSafe™ 3: high flash point, low vapor pressure, low toxicity, no permeation through plastic vials, low background & high counting efficiency
- MicroScint™ family: for MicroBeta2 instruments and MicroScint PS safe for polystyrene microplates
- ‘Classical’ line of scintillation cocktails: based on classical solvents, wide range of scintillation cocktails to support your applications
- Hionic-Fluor™ for high ionic strength samples
- Filter-Count™ for wet or dry filter counting
- Insta-Gel Plus™ for large volumes of water, TLC samples, and suspended solids
- ‘Flow’ scintillation cocktails: Ultima-Flo™ & Flo-Scint™ designed for use in flow counting applications
- Quenched and unquenched reference standards
- Tissue solubilizers: SOLVABLE™, Soluene-350, and Hyamine Hydroxide 10-X
- Radioactive decontaminants: COUNT-OFF™, AbSolve™ glassware cleaner, and
Pico-Kleen N
- Autoradiography enhancers: EN3HANCE™ and ENLIGHTNING™
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.