Tuberculosis testing
Methods for testing latent TB
Two types of latent TB tests utilize the immune response to detect TB: skin tests (tuberculin or specific TB antigens) and interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs). The skin tests have significant drawbacks, including the requirement for two clinic visits, specialized staff training, potential reactivity to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination leading to false positives, and only moderate sensitivity and specificity, potentially resulting in missed latent TB cases.4
In contrast, IGRAs function by identifying TB-specific effector T cells from the blood in vitro for latent TB detection. These tests are conducted in the laboratory, necessitate only one patient visit, and crucially remain unaffected by BCG vaccination.5, 6
There are two different IGRAs:
- ELISPOT IGRA (the T-SPOT.TB test) - Where peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are isolated, washed and counted to purify them from the whole blood prior to cell stimulation.
- ELISA/CLIA IGRAs - Where the cell stimulation is performed in the whole blood.
Why choose the T-SPOT.TB test?
- High sensitivity and specificity providing accurate results5
- Maintains performance in the immunosuppressed 9,13
- Low indeterminate results, few repeat tests 12
The T-SPOT.TB test has three crucial steps that have recently been acknowledged by the WHO for ensuring reproducibility and mitigating the impact of pre-analytical variables.7 These steps include isolating, washing, and counting the PBMCs before the test is performed. Shifting from traditional whole blood sample testing, the T-SPOT.TB test provides precision and reliability, allowing more control in your TB infection testing.
Here's how:
- Only one standard blood collection tube is needed throughout the T-SPOT.TB process
- Isolates PBMCs from whole blood, washes and counts them:
- Isolate cells: Extract the desired cell population (PBMCs) from whole blood
- Wash cells: Enables removal of potential interfering substances from whole blood
- Count cells: Ensures the required number of cells are used to produce reportable and accurate results regardless of individual patient cell counts
- Directly visualize the results without relying on interpretations from standard curves
Key differences with IGRAs

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- Global tuberculosis report 2023. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- World Health Organization. Latent tuberculosis infection: updated and consolidated guidelines for programmatic management.
- World Health Organization. The End TB Strategy. Geneva; 2014. who.int/teams/global-tuberculosisprogramme/theend-tb-strategy Accessed: 2-AUG-23
- Schluger NW, Burzynski J. Recent advances in testing for latentTB.Chest. 2010 Dec; 138(6): 1456–63.
- Oxford Immunotec T-SPOT.TB Package Insert PI-TB-IVD-UK-v5. Abingdon, UK. November 2023.
- QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus ELISA Kit Instructions for Use. L1123669_R3_IVDr_QF_ELISA_ROW_0323_FINAL. March 2023.
- World Health Organization. WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. October 1, 2022.
- Banaei N, Gaur RL, Pai M. Interferon gamma release assays for latent tuberculosis: what are the sources of variability? Journal of clinical microbiology. 2016; 54(4): 845–850.
- Wong SH, Gao Q, Tsoi KK, Wu WK, Tam LS, Lee N, Chan FK, Wu JC, Sung JJ, Ng SC. Effect of immunosuppressive therapy on interferon γ release assay for latent tuberculosis screening in patients with autoimmune diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax. 2016 Jan.
- Bèlard, et al. Prednisolone treatment affects the performance of the QuantiFERON gold in-tube test and the tuberculin skin test in patients with autoimmune disorders screened for latent tuberculosis infection. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Volume 17, Issue 11, 1 November 2011, Pages 2340–2349.
- Komiya K, Ariga H, Nagai H, et al. Impact of Peripheral Lymphocyte Count on the Sensitivity of 2 IFN-γ Release Assays, QFT-G and ELISPOT, in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Intern Med. 2010; 49(17): 1849–55.
- Rego K, et al. Utility of the T-SPOT®.TB test’s borderline category to increase test resolution for results around the cut-off point. Tuberculosis. 2018; 108:178 185.doi:10.1016/j.tube.2017.12.005.
- Clark SA, Martin SL, Pozniak A, et al. Tuberculosis antigenspecific immune responses can be detected using enzymelinked immunospot technology in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 patients with advanced disease. Clin Exp Immunol. 2007; 150(2):238–244.